VISION 願景 We aim to be a global ly recognised and l ead i ng reg i ona l i ndependen t qua l i t y assurance body in education and training. 我們致力成為世界公認及於所在區域具領導 地位的獨立質素保證機構,為教育及培訓界 別服務。 MISSION 使命 We safeguard the credibility of qualifications under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF) and facilitate the continuous quality enhancement and excellence of education and training in Hong Kong and the region through our accreditation, assessment, quality audit and consulting services. 我們透過提供評審、評核、質素核證及顧問 服務,致力確保香港資歷架構的認受性,促 進本地及鄰近地區的教育及培訓質素持續提 升及優化。

CONTENTS 目錄 Highlights of the Year 年度剪影 Chairman’sMessage 主席序言 Executive Director’s Report 總幹事報告 The Council 評審局 The Secretariat 秘書處 Implementation of Strategic Plan 策略發展計劃推行概況 HKCAAVQ 30th Anniversary 評審局三十周年誌慶 2 8 11 15 27 28 30 Operational Review 工作報告 • Accreditation 評審服務 – Academic Accreditation 學術評審 – Vocational and Professional Accreditation 職業及專業資歷評審 • Assessment 評核服務 • Qualifications Assessment 學歷評估 • Qualifications Framework and Qualifications Register 資歷架構及資歷名冊 • Research, Training and Consultancy 研究、培訓及顧問服務 • Engagement and Collaboration 對外連繫和合作 36 39 46 53 63 69 73 78 Financial Report 財務報告 Appendix 附錄 • Terms of Reference of Committees 常設委員會職權範圍 84 141

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR 年度剪影 Ir Dr Alex Chan, BBS Council Chairman of HKCAAVQ, was invited to speak at YMCA Y’s Men’s Club of Hong Kong Luncheon Meeting. Ir Dr Chan gave an overview of HKCAAVQ’s scope of work in education and training, support the Government’s policies on the development of HKQF on local, regional and international fronts. 評審局主席陳兆根博士, BBS 獲香港中華基督教青年會 (YMCA) 邀請,擔任香 港聯青社午餐會的主講嘉賓。陳博士於會上概述評審局在教育及培訓方面的工 作範疇,並表示支持政府在本地、區域及國際方面制定香港資歷架構的政策。 2020.07.02 HKCAAVQ Chairman speaks at YMCA Y’s Men Club of Hong Kong Luncheon Meeting 評審局主席獲邀為香港聯青社午餐會主講嘉賓 Invited by the University of Hong Kong, School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE), HKCAAVQ’s Qualifications Assessment service delivered a talk on the “Qualifications Framework, Register and Assessment” organised for secondary school teachers. 評審局學歷評估部應香港大學專業進修學院邀請,於為中學教師舉辦關於「資 歷架構、資歷名冊及資歷評估」的講座擔任演講嘉賓。 HKCAAVQ delivers talk on “Qualifications Framework, Register and Assessment” 評審局以「資歷架構,資歷名冊及資歷評估」為題演講 2020.05.09 2020 2 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 香港學術及職業資歷評審局

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR 年度剪影 Trade Controls Branch of the Customs and Excise Department completed an IE and LPA exercise. The programme ‘Professional Diploma in Trade Controls for Assistant Trade Controls Officer’, which is the induction training mandatory for newly recruited Assistant Trade Controls Officers, has been accredited to meet the standard of QF Level 5. 香港海關貿易管制處完成初步評估及課程評審,助理貿易管制主任的入職訓練課程 《貿易管制專業文憑(助理貿易管制主任)》,獲認可為資歷架構第5級的資歷。 2020.08.24 HKCAAVQ signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA), the UAE’s National Accreditation Agency affiliated with the Ministry of Education, agreeing to a new mutually supportive and collaborative framework for engagement between the two bodies. 評審局與阿聯酋阿布達比教育部學術評審委員會簽訂諒解備忘錄,雙方承諾共同建立互助合作新框架。 2020.09.22 Mr Andrew Ho, Head and Senior Registrar of the Qualifications Assessment of HKCAAVQ, was invited to speak at the online forum on qualifications assessment hosted by the China Education Exchange (Hong Kong) Centre. 評審局總主任(學歷評估)╱高級評審主任何偉業先生,獲邀在中國教育留學交流(香 港)中心舉辦的「內地高校香港學生回港申請非本地學歷評估輔導講座」擔任主講嘉賓。 2020.08.17 HKCAAVQ speaks at online forum on qualifications assessment 評審局應邀於「內地高校香港學生回港申請非本地學歷評 估輔導講座」擔任主講嘉賓 Accreditation at Trade Controls Branch, Customs and Excise Department 香港海關貿易管制處評審活動 HKCAAVQ signs Memorandum of Understanding with the Commission for Academic Accreditation, UAE 評審局與阿聯酋阿布達比教育部學術評審委員會簽訂諒解備忘錄 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 3

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR 年度剪影 Dr Chiu Sau-mee, Deputy Executive Director (VPET) of HKCAAVQ, is invited to attend the Yew Chung Col lege of Early Chi ldhood Education (YCCECE) Congregation 2020 & Conferment of Honorary Fellowship on behalf of HKCAAVQ. 評審局副總幹事(職業專才教育)招秀美博士,獲邀代表評審局出席耀中幼教學院 (YCCECE) 二零二零年度學位暨榮譽院士頒授典禮。 2020.11.14 Signed by Mr Albert Chow, Executive Director of HKCAAVQ, and Ms Mei-san Hui, Group Director (Regulation, Fraud and Enforcement Group) and Director-General (Private Education) of SSG, Singapore, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signifies the strong link for collaboration between HKCAAVQ and SSG since the first MoU of 2014. Sharing similar vision to enhance the quality of and promote good practices in higher education and vocational and professional education and training (VPET), the two agencies consider it an important strategic goal to continue to foster a long-term collaborative partnership and exchange intelligence and experience in quality assurance processes and practices, in particular in the VPET sector. 繼2014年首次簽訂後,評審局與新加坡未來技能局續簽諒解備忘錄,展示雙方緊密合作。是次簽署儀 式由評審局總幹事周慶邦先生及新加坡未來技能局(監管、欺詐和執法組)兼總幹事(私立教育)主禮。 雙方以提升及推廣高等教育和職業專才教育的質素和良好措施為共同目標,尤其在職業專才教育方 面,積極交流合作,建立長遠夥伴關係,優化質素保證程序和作業模式。\ 2020.10.30 HKCAAVQ renews Memorandum of Understanding with SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) 評審局與新加坡未來技能局續簽諒解備忘錄 HKCAAVQ attends YCCECE Congregation 2020 & Conferment of Honorary Fellowship 評審局獲邀出席耀中幼教學院二零二零年度學位暨榮譽 院士頒授典禮 4 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 香港學術及職業資歷評審局

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR 年度剪影 As a member agency of the Quality Beyond Boundaries Group (QBBG), HKCAAVQ participated in the QBBG Meeting 2020 organised by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), Dubai, in virtual mode. Mr Albert Chow, Executive Director of HKCAAVQ, shared with other agencies about HKCAAVQ’s latest development and initiatives implemented to support operators. 作為「質素無邊界」(QBBG) 成員,評審局以網上形式參與由杜拜知識與人力發展局 (KHDA) 舉辦 的QBBG會議。評審局總幹事周慶邦先生於會上分享評審局的最新發展和支持營辦者的措施。 2020.11.18 2021 Customs Canine Force completed an IE and LPA exercise. The learning programme ‘Professional Diploma in Drugs Detector Dog Handling’ pitched at QF Level 4 has been launched in early 2021. 海關搜查犬課完成初步評估及課程評審,《領犬(毒品搜查)專業文憑》已於 2021年初推出,屬資歷架構第4級課程。 2020.11.16 Accreditation at Customs Canine Force 海關搜查犬課評審活動 HKCAAVQ participates in QBBG Meeting 2020 評審局參與質素無邊界(QBBG)會議2020 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 5

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR 年度剪影 HKCAAVQ was invited to attend the Guangdong exchange forum on Qualifications Framework online. The forum aims at fostering exchanges on topics including the establishment and implementation of Qualifications Framework in Guangdong, and how Qualifications Framework encourages talent nurturing. 評審局獲邀透過線上出席,由廣東省教育研究院舉辦的「2020年廣東省職業教育教科研工作-資歷框架在職業教育中的實踐應用」 專題交流活動。是次交流活動旨在凝聚職業院校教研及科研力量作專題分享,包括廣東終身教育資歷框架等級標準的制定與應用、 資歷框架在職業教育以至學分銀行建設中的實踐應用,以及資歷框架在人才培養方面的實踐應用等。 2020.11.26 HKCAAVQ attends Guangdong exchange forum on Qualifications Framework 評審局獲邀出席廣東省教育研究院舉辦的資歷框架專題交流活動 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, in collaboration with HKCAAVQ and the Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (FSTE), organised the online Conference on “Credit Transfer Practices in Higher Education: Partnership for Success”. 香港理工大學、香港學術及職業資歷評審局及自資高等教育聯盟,合辦題為「高等 教育學分轉移實踐:夥伴協作創未來」會議。 2020.11.27 Conference on Credi t Transfer Pract ices in Higher Education: Partnership for Success 「高等教育學分轉移實踐:夥伴協作創未來」會議 6 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 香港學術及職業資歷評審局

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR 年度剪影 2021 With the support of Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS), HKCAAVQ successfully held the QR Mobile Goes Live - Briefing-cum-Demonstration. The event was officiated by Mr Esmond Lee, JP, Deputy Secretary for Education; Mr Steve Lai, General Manager of QFS; Ir Dr Alex Chan, BBS, Council Chairman of HKCAAVQ; and Mr Albert Chow, Executive Director of HKCAAVQ. Participants including representatives from operators joined the event online to celebrate the launch of QR Mobile and to get updates on the latest development of the Qualifications Framework and Qualifications Register. 由評審局主辦,資歷架構秘書處協辦的資歷名冊營辦者簡報會順利舉行。教育局副秘書長李忠善先生, JP、資歷架構 秘書處總經理黎英偉先生、評審局主席陳兆根博士, BBS以及評審局總幹事周慶邦先生一同擔任啟動禮嘉賓。是次活 動透過網上進行,旨在慶祝啟動資歷名冊流動版,及了解資歷名冊最新發展動向。參與者包括不同的營辦者代表。 2021.02.05 HKCAAVQ holds the QR Mobile Goes Live - Briefing-cum-Demonstration 資歷名冊營辦者簡報會 Organised by EDB and QFS, the QF Partnerships Commendation Ceremony and QF In Action (QFIA) Launching Ceremony was officiated by Dr Choi Yuk-lin, Under Secretary for Education; Mr Steve Lai, General Manager of QFS; and Mr Albert Chow, Executive Director of HKCAAVQ. More than 250 organisations including enterprises, industry-related trade associations and unions, professional bodies, government departments, and public organisations were commended for their support and contributions to the implementation of the QF. 由教育局及資歷架構秘書處合辦的「資歷架構夥伴嘉許典禮暨QF in Action啟動禮」順利舉行。教育局副局長蔡若蓮博士, JP、 資歷架構秘書處總經理黎英偉先生,以及評審局總幹事周慶邦先生主持開幕儀式。 蔡副局長於典禮上頒發嘉許狀予包括企業、行業的相關商會工會、專業團體、政府部門和公營機構等超過二百五十間機構, 以表揚他們對資歷架構的支持和貢獻。 2021.03.25 QF Partnerships Commendation Ceremony and QF in Action Launching Ceremony 資歷架構夥伴嘉許典禮暨 QF in Action 啟動禮 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 7

Ir Dr Alex CHAN, BBS 陳兆根博士,BBS Chairman 主席 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE 主席序言

CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE 主席序言 It gives me great pleasure to share with you all the accomplishments of HKCAAVQ over the past year, and our future development direction. COVID-19 has continued to impact different industries in many ways, and education is of no exception. Despite the pandemic, the management and administration of HKCAAVQ has continued to serve the Hong Kong SAR and associated partners in the region. Our involvements in the Committee on Self-financing Post-secondary Education (CSPE), Task Force on Review of Self-financing Post-secondary Education, Human Resources Planning Commission (HRPC) and Manpower Development Committee (MDC) etc, have demonstrated our active participation and commitment in bringing positive changes to the higher education and human resources sector in Hong Kong. In line with its strategic directions, HKCAAVQ submitted for external review to the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) for the benefit of benchmarking, as well as continuous quality enhancement, via meeting the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). This follows our previous external review conducted by the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) back in 2015. Over the years of its operation, HKCAAVQ has further enhanced its robust governance and management systems for systemic and consistent implementation of its accreditation and assessment activities. These accumulated efforts have laid a solid foundation for HKCAAVQ in positioning ourselves as a leading quality assurance agency in the region and worldwide. Internally, governance was also further enhanced in the Council with Risk Management Committee introduced and Committee on Consulting Services revamped to become Business Development Committee. Meanwhile, I am pleased to share that the Council celebrated its 30th anniversary during the reporting period. Starting off with a modest structure in 1990 to provide independent expert advice on quality of academic programmes of non-self-accrediting post-secondary colleges in Hong Kong, HKCAAVQ was later reconstituted in 2007 and entrusted with an expanded scope of work in 2008 that include the quality assurance of higher education, as well as vocational and professional education and training (VPET) under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF). HKCAAVQ was pleased to celebrate the accomplishments achieved together with our stakeholders over the past three decades under the changing education and training landscape. We hosted the HKCAAVQ International Conference on “From Quality Assurance to Quality Enhancement and Excellence”, featuring renowned speakers from our partnering organisations, where indepth discussions and professional exchanges on various topics were staged. Other celebrative initiatives were also in place as we share our pride and joy at our 30th birthday. 我非常高興能夠與各位分享香港學術及職業資歷評審局(評審局),在 過去一年的工作成果。 2019冠狀病毒病持續影響各行各業,教育亦不例外。面對疫情的挑 戰,評審局管理層及秘書處仝人仍緊守崗位,服務本港及鄰近地區的 相關合作夥伴。過去本局參與自資專上教育資訊平台(CSPE)、推廣職 業專才教育專責小組、人力資源規劃委員會(HRPC) 及人力發展委員 會(MDC) 等工作,均充分顯示我們積極參與並且致力為本港高等教育 和人力資源帶來正面的改變。 按照評審局策略發展方向,為了實現訂立基準與及持續提升質素,我 們向歐洲高等教育品質保證協會(ENQA) 申請接受外部評審,以確認 評審局是否達至《歐洲高等教育區的質素保證標準及指引》(ESG) 所訂 立的標準,亦是繼2015年接受高等教育質素保證國際網絡(INQAAHE) 的外部評審後的第二部曲。經過多年運作後,評審局進一步加強其穩 健的管治及管理系統,以有系統及一致地履行評審及評估工作。經過 日積月累、默默耕耘,評審局奠定了紮實根基,致力成為區域具領導 地位及世界公認的質素保證機構。內部運作上,評審局也進一步增強 管理體系,並設立風險監督委員會,顧問服務委員會則改為業務發展 委員會。 同時,我很高興與大家分享,評審局在報告期內慶祝其成立三十周 年。評審局於1990年成立之初,以適度的架構為本港多間非自行評 審的專上學院,就課程質素方面提供獨立專家意見。其後,評審局於 2007年改組,翌年擴展職能至香港資歷架構下的高等教育及職業專 才教育(VPET) 質素保證工作。過去三十載,香港的教育和培訓環境經 歷著不斷變遷,評審局欣喜能與持份者慶祝共同取得的成就。我們對 評審局成立三十周年感到光榮和喜悅,秘書處舉辦一連串活動慶祝。 其中在「從質素保證、質素提升到追求卓越」的評審局國際會議上, 我們更邀得幾位著名講者兼合作夥伴擔任演講嘉賓,就不同的議題上 分享真知灼見。 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 9

CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE 主席序言 Year 2021 also marks the end of my 12-year service at the HKCAAVQ Council. I started serving as a Council Member in 2009, followed by 4 years as Vice-Chairman and 6 years as Chairman. Twelve years flew by in the blink of an eye. As I recollect my fond memories serving at the Council, there are some major changes I have brought to HKCAAVQ over these years, such as the site development of the current location of the HKCAAVQ Secretariat; the implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) used for accreditation exercises among professional staff at the Secretariat; enhanced governance including implementation and monitoring of the Strategic Plan, meeting cycles of Standing Committee and Council meetings, risk management, as well as strengthened communication with stakeholders etc. External reviews by INQAAHE and ENQA and involvement in committees in local higher education and human resources sector in Hong Kong, as mentioned earlier, are some other significant contributions brought to the Council. There are other areas in which HKCAAVQ has come a long way since establishment, and I have witnessed the changes HKCAAVQ has undergone over the past 12 years. Needless to say, I am very gratified and proud to see the expanded scope of work HKCAAVQ is handling. May I take this opportunity to thank those who have contributed to the work of the HKCAAVQ Council and Secretariat, for your support which is crucial for the development of not just the Council itself but also to the higher education and VPET sector, and learners in the community at large. My gratitude also goes to my predecessors and fellow Council Members, who have devoted much in the Council’s work in fulfilling its statutory functions over the past decades. Thank you for your part in HKCAAVQ’s journey. I am confident that the new Chairman will lead HKCAAVQ to elevated heights in the future. With your continuous support, I also firmly believe that HKCAAVQ will continue to thrive for its best, with new and worldchanging ideas, for many years to come. Ir Dr Alex CHAN, BBS Chairman 踏入2021年,本人在評審局十二年的工作亦正式畫上句號。回想 2009年起獲政府委任為評審局大會成員,包括擔任四年副主席與及 六年主席,十二年時光轉瞬即逝。我有幸帶領評審局推陳出新,包括 協助評審局秘書處小西灣現址的開拓工程、為負責評審工作的同事開 發內部質素管理系統(QMS)、為評審局加強管治而實行並監察策略發 展計劃、統籌常務委員會及大會會議的會議週期與風險管理工作,以 及加強與持份者的溝通等。此外,評審局接受ENQA及INQAAHE的 國際外部評審,同時積極參與推動本地專上教育和人力資源界別的工 作。 評審局自成立以來在各方面持續進步,尤其過去十二年,我亦有見證 種種變化。無庸置疑,對於評審局擴展職能,我感到十分欣慰和自 豪。藉此機會,我衷心感謝曾服務和貢獻評審局及秘書處的人士,他 們的支持不僅令評審局大會穩步發展,亦對高等教育及職業教育界別 和社會上的學習者至關重要。過去數十載,評審局大會的前輩們以及 大會成員,為履行評審局法定職能克盡己職、貢獻良多,為評審局發 展建立里程碑,本人謹此表示謝意。 最後,我深信新任主席日後定必帶領評審局更上一層樓,在各持份者 大力支持下,我堅信評審局定必盡心竭力做好工作,以革新思維迎接 未來。 評審局主席 陳兆根博士BBS 10 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 香港學術及職業資歷評審局

Albert H P CHOW 周慶邦先生 Executive Director 總幹事 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 總幹事報告

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 總幹事報告 新一代質素保證機構 我很高興在此分享我們未來幾年數位化轉型的發展。正如我在過去一 年中在不同場合提到,評審局就疫情所帶來的變化積極採取行動應 變,將實體工作坊及實地考察改為以虛擬模式進行,獲得廣泛持份者 及營辦者歡迎,並成為新常態。憑藉我們迄今為止積累的經驗,現在 正是開啟數位化轉型之旅的好時機。我們正密鑼緊鼓地進行相關籌備 工作,並取得良好進展,我想借此機會分享部分發展方向。評審局正 研究開發區塊鏈數位證書,此項目旨在結合電子證書數據庫及資歷名 冊下的個人資歷。為了優化服務,我們亦正研究透過充分利用協同工 作管理系統及機器人流程自動化方面的技術,以提升效率。同時,評 審局亦不斷探索以不同方式實現數位化轉型,我們對這趟旅程雀躍萬 分。 評審局的使命,是通過優質服務促進本地教育和培訓持續提升並邁向 卓越。我們全力支持香港教育政策及措施,並受政府決策局委託,就 本地教育和培訓相關的政策及做法進行多項顧問研究。於報告期內, 我們與教育局的專責小組委員會就本地副學位課程完成檢討。 Next Generation of a Quality Assurance Agency With my great pleasure, I hereby would like to share our forthcoming development of digital transformation in the coming years. As I shared in other occasions over the past year, we took immediate action to adapt to the changes brought by the pandemic. We switched our on-site workshops and accreditation visits to virtual mode, for which was well received by our major stakeholders and operators. This has now become a new norm. With the experience we gathered so far, it is an opportune moment to kick off our journey through digital transformation. We are getting prepared and making good progress on this initiative. Here I would like to share a few. We are conducting research on developing the blockchain-enabled digital credentials, which is a database of e-credentials and personal portfolio of qualifications under the Qualifications Register. To optimise our services, we are studying how to enhance our efficiency by making the best use of technologies in respect of collaborative work management system and robotic process automation. Exploration of various initiatives is under way and we are excited about the future digital journey. As outlined in our mission, we centre to facilitate the continuous enhancement and excellence of local education and training through our quality services. By doing so, we provide full support to the development local education policy and initiatives. Commissioned by government bureaux, we have conducted various consultancy studies and researches on policies and practices related to local education and training. During the reporting period, we have conducted a review of local sub-degree programmes with the commission of the Education Bureau (EDB). 12 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 香港學術及職業資歷評審局

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 總幹事報告 The development of vocational and professional education and training (VPET) forms an integral part of the education system of Hong Kong. To echo with the government’s promotion and advocation of VPET, we actively take part in the following initiatives. We are engaged in the pilot project on the development of applied degree programmes in supporting the development and enhancement of a complete VPET pathway. We are strongly engaged in supporting work-based learning as it is a great tool in bringing learning outcomes in line with expectations of industry and employers. In addition, the development of micro-credentials is well on the pipeline. Micro-credentials will support learning integration of academics, vocational, professional and continuing education qualifications and the needs of employees and learners in saving duplication of resources devoted in achieving recognised qualifications. Our continuous quality enhancement drives us to expand our services beyond borders. Built upon the longterm collaborative relationship between Hong Kong and Macao, HKCAAVQ has successfully conducted programme reviews for 11 learning programmes of the University of Macau. Currently, programme reviews for 7 programmes of the Macau University of Science and Technology are under way. We cherish the mutual understanding and trust that both sides established over the years and would strive to facilitate and support the continuous quality enhancement of the higher education in Macao. Our quality service is proven with the successful consultancy work for higher education institutions in Macao. To resonate with the government’s emphasis on the development of the Greater Bay Area (GBA), our next step is to pilot our accreditation service for local operators with involvement in the Greater Bay Area (GBA). It is HKCAAVQ’s vision to establish itself as a globally recognised and leading QA agency. As such, we endeavour to contribute to the QA development in the region and around the world. At the time of reporting, we were honoured to speak at regional and international occasions. There we shared our latest development, initiatives and achievements in QA areas. HKCAAVQ closely connects with the QA community around the world. As a member of the Quality Beyond Boundaries Group (QBBG), we were invited to virtually participate in the QBBG Annual Meeting 2020 organised by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), Dubai. The meeting enabled indepth discussions on latest developments of transnational education and training, as well as sharing of insights and perspectives among QBBG members. 職業及專業教育與培訓的發展乃香港教育體系不可或缺的一部分。為 響應政府推動及倡導職業專才教育,我們積極參與及推行不同項目, 包括參與開發應用學位課程的試點項目,以支持發展及完善職業及專 業教育途徑;大力支持以工作為基礎的學習模式,因為它是使學習成 果符合行業和僱主期望的重要工具。微證書開發項目也在順利進行 中,它將支援學術、職業、專業及持續教育資歷的學習整合,以滿足 員工和學習者的需求,節省用於獲得認可資格的重複資源。 評審局持續提升質量並推動我們將服務擴展到本港以外的地區。憑藉 港澳長期合作關係,評審局已成功為澳門大學11個課程完成課程評 審。目前,澳門科技大學的7個課程正在審核中。評審局珍視雙方多 年來建立的相互理解及信任,並會努力促進和支持澳門高等教育質量 不斷提升。我們為澳門高等教育機構提供成功的顧問服務足以證明評 審局服務優質。為響應特區政府對粵港澳大灣區發展的重視,我們下 一步將以試點形式,為在大灣區提供課程的本地營辦者提供資歷評審 服務。 評審局致力成為全球公認的領先質素保證機構。因此,我們竭力為地 區內,乃至世界各地的質量保證發展作出貢獻。在撰寫本報告時,我 們有幸在本港及國際不同場合發言,分享評審局在質素領域的最新發 展、所實施的舉措和取得的成就。 評審局與世界各地的質素保證機構緊密聯繫。作為國際質素保證機構 網絡「質素無邊界」(QBBG)的成員,我們應邀參與杜拜知識人類發展 局(KHDA)舉辦的「2020年度質素無邊界年會」。會議上,與會成員 就跨國教育和培訓的最新發展進行深入討論,分享和交流意見。 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 13

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 總幹事報告 We pursue to be globally recognised through strategic collaboration with quality assurance agencies worldwide. By doing so, we strengthen our collaboration with quality assurance agencies by signing and renewal of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). During the reporting period, we have signed and renewed MoU respectively with SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA), and the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). The MoUs signify commitment to further enhancing collaboration and exchange of information and experiences for the mutual benefit of both sides. At the time of reporting, we have recently renewed the Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with the Academic Quality Agency for New Zealand Education (AQA), in which both agencies agreed to cooperate on issues related to the improvement and development of the quality assurance and quality enhancement of tertiary education and other services delivered by both agencies. Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to give my heartfelt gratitude to our Council Chairman, Ir Dr Alex Chan, BBS, who will be leaving the Council starting from 1 October 2021. I would like to thank for his great leadership and support to the Secretariat all the way through in his 12 years of service. My appreciation also goes to colleagues at the HKCAAVQ Secretariat, who have been working diligently and devotedly for quality and excellence. With your continuous support, we look forward to tackling the challenges and always get well-prepared for the best to come. Albert H P CHOW Executive Director 我們力求通過與全球質量保證機構的策略合作,獲得全球認可。為 此,評審局與不同質量保證機構簽署和更新諒解備忘錄,加強合作。 報告期內,我們分別與新加坡未來技能局(SSG)、阿聯酋阿布達比教 育部學術評審委員會(CAA)及馬來西亞質素保證機構(MQA)簽署或 續簽諒解備忘錄。諒解備忘錄標誌著雙方進一步加強合作以及信息和 經驗的交流,以實現雙方互惠互利。報告期內,我們亦與紐西蘭大學 學術品質局 (AQA) 續簽合作備忘錄 ,雙方同意在高等教育及其他服 務的質素保證發展及提升等議題上加強合作。 最後,我希望藉此機會衷心感謝在2021年10月1日卸任的評審局主 席陳兆根博士, BBS。他在過去十二年服務評審局期間,卓越領導及 支持秘書處的工作。我亦希望感謝評審局秘書處仝人一直克盡已任, 竭力提供高質素服務。 在各位繼續鼎力支持下,評審局期待繼續迎難而上,為未來做好準 備。 評審局總幹事 周慶邦 14 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 香港學術及職業資歷評審局

THE COUNCIL 評審局 The Council and its functions The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), formerly known as the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation (HKCAA), was established in 1990 as an independent statutory body to provide authoritative advice on academic standards of degree programmes in higher education institutions in Hong Kong. In 2007, the Council was reconstituted under the HKCAAVQ Ordinance (Chapter 1150). The HKCAAVQ took on responsibility for the vocational sector and statutory roles as the Accreditation Authority and Qualifications Register Authority under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework under the Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications Ordinance (Chapter 592). The HKCAAVQ provides quality assurance and assessment services to education and training institutions, course providers and the general public. In addition to its statutory roles, the HKCAAVQ also provides advisory and consultancy services in education qualifications and standards to government bureaux and other organisations in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region. HKCAAVQ is governed by a Council comprising local and non-local members. The Council of HKCAAVQ is established under section 3 of the HKCAAVQ Ordinance. Its Chairman, Vice-chairman and members are appointed by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong in their personal capacity under the HKCAAVQ Ordinance. The composition of the Council’s membership includes members who have quality assurance or accreditation related expertise or experience and good standing in the field of education and training or in any industry. The Permanent Secretary for Education or his representative and HKCAAVQ’s Executive Director are ex-officio members. 評審局及其職能 香港學術及職業資歷評審局(評審局)前身為香港學術評審局,於 1990年成立,以獨立的法定地位為香港高等教育機構的學位課程進 行甄審。 評審局於2007年根據《香港學術及職業資歷評審局條例》(第1150章) 改組為香港學術及職業資歷評審局。根據《學術及職業資歷評審條例》 (第592章),評審局的職權範圍擴展至職業培訓界別,並獲委任為資 歷架構下的評審當局及資歷名冊當局。 評審局為教育及培訓機構、課程營辦者和市民大眾提供與質素保證有 關的評審及評核服務。除履行其法定職能外,評審局亦為政府部門和 其他團體就教育資歷及標準事宜提供顧問服務。 評審局由評審局大會監管,大會成員包括本地和非本地成員。評審局 大會根據評審局條例第三條成立。主席、副主席及成員均以其個人名 義由香港特別行政區行政長官根據評審局條例委任。 評審局大會成員均具備與質素保證相關經驗,或在教育、培訓或其他 行業擁有傑出經驗和聲望。大會之當然成員包括教育局常任秘書長或 其代表及評審局總幹事。 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 15

THE COUNCIL 評審局 The functions of the Council are defined in the HKCAAVQ Ordinance (Cap 1150): 1. Conduct accreditation tests in relation to institutions, assessment agencies, learning programmes, qualifications and individuals; 2. Promote the methods and practices of conducting accreditation tests; 3. Disseminate information on standards of learning programmes; 4. Establish relationships with accreditation QA bodies; education and training authorities outside Hong Kong; 5. Conduct seminars, conferences and other forms of instructional/promotional activities; 6. Conduct or commission research into the maintenance or monitoring of standards of education and of training; and 7. Perform functions outside Hong Kong with the prior approval of the Secretary for Education. The Council meets three times a year, i.e. in January, May and September. Subject to section 8(1) of the HKCAAVQ Ordinance, its work is supported by three standing committees: – Qualifications and Accreditation Committee (QAC) – Finance Committee (FC) – Personnel and Administration Committee (PAC) 根據評審局條例(第1150章),評審局的職能為: 1. 就營辦者、評估機構、進修計劃、資歷及個人進行 評審考核; 2. 推廣進行評審考核的方法和實務; 3. 發布關於進修計劃的標準的資料; 4. 與香港以外地方的評審或質素保證團體及教育及培 訓主管當局建立關係; 5. 籌辦或舉行研討會、會議或其他形式的教導性或推 廣性的活動; 6. 對維持或監察教育及培訓的標準進行研究,或委託 他人對維持或監察教育及培訓標準進行研究; 7. 在教育局局長事先批准下,在香港以外地區執行職 能。 評審局大會每年召開三次會議,即一月、五月和九月,並 根據評審局條例第八條(1) 設三個常設委員會,協助其工 作: - 資歷及評審委員會 - 財務委員會 - 人事及行政委員會 16 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 香港學術及職業資歷評審局

THE COUNCIL 評審局 Council Term 大會任期 1 October 2020 to 31 March 2021 由2020年10月1日至2021年3月31日 Chairman 主席 Ir Dr Alex Chan Siu-kun, BBS 陳兆根博士, BBS Vice-chairman 副主席 Mr Rock Chen Chung-nin, SBS, JP 陳仲尼先生, SBS, JP Professor James Calleja Dr Bryan Maguire Deputy Secretary for Education (Representing the Permanent Secretary for Education) 教育局副秘書長(教育局常任秘書長代表) Mr Esmond Lee Chung-sin, JP 李忠善先生, JP Executive Director of HKCAAVQ 評審局總幹事 Mr Albert Chow Hing-pong 周慶邦先生 Ms Jane von Dadelszen Professor Bjørn Stensaker Professor Zita Fahmi Ex-Officio Members 當然成員 Non-local Members 非本地成員 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 17

THE COUNCIL 評審局 Mr Anthony Chan Tung-shan 陳東山先生 Professor Isabella Poon Wai-yin 潘偉賢教授 Ms Margaret Cheng Wai-ching 鄭惠貞女士 Ms Edith Shih 施熙德女士 Ir Francis Cheng Cho-ying, MH 鄭祖瀛先生, MH Professor Qiu Han-qin 邱漢琴教授 Professor Ronald Chung Chi-kit 鍾志杰教授 Local Members 本地成員 Professor Paul Tam Kwong-hang, JP 譚廣亨教授, JP 18 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 香港學術及職業資歷評審局

THE COUNCIL 評審局 Ir Professor Richard Yuen Kwok-kit 袁國傑教授 Professor Ricky Wong Ngok-shun 黃岳順教授 Mr Wilfred Wong Kam-pui, BBS, JP 黃錦沛先生, BBS, JP Mr Peter Yan King-shun, JP 任景信先生, JP Ms Candy Tam Lai-chuen, MH 譚麗轉女士, MH Local Members 本地成員 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 19

THE COUNCIL 評審局 The Council From 1 October 2020 – 31 March 2021 評審局 2020年10月1日至2021年3月31日 Council 評審局大會 Qualifications and Accreditation Committee (QAC) 資歷及評審委員會 Finance Committee (FC) 財務委員會 Personnel and Administration Committee (PAC) 人事及行政委員會 Local Members 本地成員 Ir Dr Alex Chan Siu-kun, BBS 陳兆根博士, BBS • • Mr Rock Chen Chung-nin, SBS, JP 陳仲尼先生, SBS, JP • • Mr Anthony Chan Tung-shan 陳東山先生 • Deputy Chair 副主席 Ir Francis Cheng Cho-ying, MH 鄭祖瀛先生, MH • Chair 主席 Ms Margaret Cheng Wai-ching 鄭惠貞女士 • Chair 主席 Professor Ronald Chung Chi-kit 鍾志杰教授 • • Professor Isabella Poon Wai-yin 潘偉賢教授 Chair 主席 • Professor Qiu Han-qin 邱漢琴教授 • • Ms Edith Shih 施熙德女士 • Deputy Chair 副主席 Professor Paul Tam Kwong-hang, JP 譚廣亨教授, JP • • Ms Candy Tam Lai-chuen, MH 譚麗轉女士, MH • • 20 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 香港學術及職業資歷評審局

THE COUNCIL 評審局 Council 評審局大會 Qualifications and Accreditation Committee (QAC) 資歷及評審委員會 Finance Committee (FC) 財務委員會 Personnel and Administration Committee (PAC) 人事及行政委員會 Local Members 本地成員 Professor Ricky Wong Ngok-shun 黃岳順教授 • • Mr Wilfred Wong Kam-pui, BBS, JP 黃錦沛先生, BBS, JP • • Mr Peter Yan King-shun, JP 任景信先生, JP • Professor Richard Yuen Kwok-kit 袁國傑教授 Deputy Chair 副主席 Non-local Members 非本地成員 Professor James Calleja • • Ms Jane von Dadelszen • • • Professor Zita Fahmi • • Dr Bryan Maguire • • Professor Bjørn Stensaker • • Ex-officio Members 當然成員 Deputy Secretary for Education (Representing the Permanent Secretary for Education) 教育局副秘書長 (教育局常任秘書長代表) Mr Esmond Lee Chung-sin,JP 李忠善先生, JP • • • Executive Director 總幹事 Mr Albert Chow Hing-pong 周慶邦先生 • • • 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 21

THE COUNCIL 評審局 Deputy Secretary for Education (Representing the Permanent Secretary for Education) 教育局副秘書長 (教育局常任秘書長代表) Mr Esmond Lee Chung-sin, JP 李忠善先生, JP Council Term 大會任期 1 April 2020 to 30 September 2020 由2020年4月1日至9月30日 Chairman 主席 Ir Dr Alex Chan Siu-kun, BBS 陳兆根博士, BBS Vice-chairman 副主席 Mr Rock Chen Chung-nin, SBS, JP 陳仲尼先生, SBS, JP Professor James Calleja Dr Bryan Maguire Executive Director of HKCAAVQ 評審局總幹事 Mr Albert Chow Hing-pong 周慶邦先生 Ms Jane von Dadelszen Professor Bjørn Stensaker Professor Zita Fahmi Ex-Officio Members 當然成員 Non-local Members 非本地成員 22 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 香港學術及職業資歷評審局

THE COUNCIL 評審局 Professor Chetwyn Chan Che-hin 陳智軒教授 Mr Anthony Chan Tung-shan 陳東山先生 Professor Ronald Chung Chi-kit 鍾志杰教授 Ir Francis Cheng Cho-ying, MH 鄭祖瀛先生, MH Professor Isabella Poon Wai-yin 潘偉賢教授 Professor Pong Ting-chuen 龐鼎全教授 Ms Margaret Cheng Wai-ching 鄭惠貞女士 Professor Qiu Han-qin 邱漢琴教授 Local Members 本地成員 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 23

THE COUNCIL 評審局 Ms Edith Shih 施熙德女士 Mr Wilfred Wong Kam-pui, JP 黃錦沛先生, JP Professor Paul Tam Kwong-hang, JP 譚廣亨教授, JP Professor Ricky Wong Ngok-shun 黃岳順教授 Local Members 本地成員 Ms Candy Tam Lai-chuen, MH 譚麗轉女士, MH 24 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 香港學術及職業資歷評審局

THE COUNCIL 評審局 The Council 1 April 2020 – 30 September 2020 評審局 由2020年4月1日至2020年9月30日 Council 評審局大會 Qualifications and Accreditation Committee (QAC) 資歷及評審委員會 Finance Committee (FC) 財務委員會 Personnel and Administration Committee (PAC) 人事及行政委員會 Local Members 本地成員 Ir Dr Alex Chan Siu-kun, BBS 陳兆根博士, BBS • • Mr Rock Chen Chung-nin, SBS, JP 陳仲尼先生, SBS, JP • • Mr Anthony Chan Tung-shan 陳東山先生 • Deputy Chair 副主席 Professor Chetwyn Chan Che-hin 陳智軒教授 • • Ir Francis Cheng Cho-ying, MH 鄭祖瀛先生, MH • Chair 主席 Ms Margaret Cheng Wai-ching 鄭惠貞女士 • Chair 主席 Professor Ronald Chung Chi-kit 鍾志杰教授 • • Professor Pong Ting-chuen 龐鼎全教授 Chair 主席 • Professor Isabella Poon Wai-yin 潘偉賢教授 Deputy Chair 副主席 • Professor Qiu Han-qin 邱漢琴教授 • • Ms Edith Shih 施熙德女士 • Deputy Chair 副主席 Professor Paul Tam Kwong-hang, JP 譚廣亨教授, JP • • 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 25

THE COUNCIL 評審局 Council 評審局大會 Qualifications and Accreditation Committee (QAC) 資歷及評審委員會 Finance Committee (FC) 財務委員會 Personnel and Administration Committee (PAC) 人事及行政委員會 Local Members 本地成員 Ms Candy Tam Lai-chuen, MH 譚麗轉女士, MH • • Mr Wilfred Wong Kam-pui, JP 黃錦沛先生, JP • • Professor Ricky Wong Ngok-shun 黃岳順教授 • • Non-local Members 非本地成員 Professor James Calleja • • Ms Jane von Dadelszen • • • Professor Zita Fahmi • • Dr Bryan Maguire • • Professor Bjørn Stensaker • • Ex-officio Members 當然成員 Deputy Secretary for Education (Representing the Permanent Secretary for Education) 教育局副秘書長 (教育局常任秘書長代表) Mr Esmond Lee Chung-sin, JP 李忠善先生, JP • • • Executive Director 總幹事 Mr Albert Chow Hing-pong 周慶邦先生 • • • 26 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 香港學術及職業資歷評審局

THE SECRETARIAT 秘書處 The Executive Director, supported by two Deputies overseeing academic accreditation and vocational and professional and training education (VPET) accreditation, leads the Secretariat which is the executive arm of the Council in the implementation of its decisions, functions and policies. The Secretariat is organised by business units supported by a number of corporate services units. As at 31 March 2021, the Secretariat has 94 fulltime staff in post. 評審局的日常運作由總幹事領導秘書處執行,並有副總幹事(學術)及 副總幹事(職業專才教育)支援。秘書處為評審局的執行機關,負責落 實評審局大會的決定、職能和政策。秘書處的組織架構由提供不同服 務的部門及行政事務部門組成。截至2021年3月31日,評審局秘書 處共有94名全職員工。 Quali cations Framework and Quali cations Register 資歷架構及 資歷名冊 Academic Accreditation and Assessment 學術評審及評核 Quali cations Assessment 學歷評估 Research and Training 研究及培訓 Information Technology 資訊科技 Facilities Management 設施管理 Vocational and Professional Accreditation 職業及 專業資歷評審 Human Resources 人力資源 Deputy Executive Director (Vocational and Professional Education and Training) 副總幹事(職業專才教育) Executive Director 總幹事 Council 評審局大會 Deputy Executive Director (Academic) 副總幹事(學術) Executive Support and Corporate Communications 政務、傳訊及連繫 Finance 財務 Human Resources and Administration 人力資源及行政 ORGANISATION CHART 組織圖 香港學術及職業資歷評審局 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 27

IMPLEMENTATION OF STRATEGIC PLAN 策略發展計劃推行概況 To better inform our stakeholders about the various strategic development of HKCAAVQ, we would share about the implementation of Strategic Plan 2019-2023 in this designated section moving forward. In this strategic plan cycle, HKCAAVQ aims to be and are working relentlessly towards a globally recognised and leading regional quality assurance body. Following the first external review by INQAAHE in 2015, HKCAAVQ has prepared to undergo an external review by the European Association for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (ENQA). With the Council’s approval of the self-assessment report, HKCAAVQ made its submission to ENQA in September 2020 with the online site-visit meeting to be held in April 2021. On local front, we continue to strengthen collaborations with the Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) and support the Government’s initiatives on the promotion and development of vocational and professional education and training (VPET) under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF). These included the roll-out of the Qualifications Register (QR) Mobile, development of guidelines for programmes with workbased learning and assessment, phase implementation of Continuing Education Fund (CEF)’s enhancement measures. With a view to facilitating and supporting the operators in their pursuance of quality enhancement and excellence, HKCAAVQ organised the Forum titled “Meeting the Challenges with Quality Assurance, Quality Enhancement and Excellence — From Contingencies to Norms” to foster sharing of good practices and learning points in adopting richer online learning, in October 2020. On regional and international engagement, HKCAAVQ continues to support QFS in the on-going discussions with relevant authorities on the development of quality assurance regime in Guangdong. HKCAAVQ also continues to support the Macao SAR Government’s implementation of Higher Education Quality Evaluation System by conducting programme reviews for institutions in Macao. At the same time, recognising the keen interest from local operators, HKCAAVQ is actively working with stakeholders and providing facilitation service in regard to the accreditation service for collaborative programmes jointly operated in the Greater Bay Area. We are optimistic about the progress in this area of service. In September 2020, HKCAAVQ hosted the international conference themed “From Quality Assurance to Quality Enhancement and Excellence” with distinguished speakers and panelists from various professions and industries. The virtual conference attracted a wide range of audience from the quality assurance agencies, government and regulatory bodies, academia and VPET stakeholders coming from some 15 jurisdictions. 我們今後會在評審局年報闢出此部分,特向各持份者公布推行20192023年策略發展計劃的概況。 在此策略發展計劃週期,評審局繼續以取得國際肯定、在區域內作為 領先的質素保證機構之一為工作目標,為此努力不懈。隨著評審局於 2015年首次接受高等教育質素保證國際網絡委員會的外評,評審局 已準備接受歐洲高等教育品質保證協會的外評。在獲得評審局大會的 批核後,我們已於2020年9月向歐洲高等教育品質保證協會呈交外評 文件,並為2021年4月的線上考察會議作好準備。 在本地連繫方面,評審局繼續與資歷架構秘書處緊密合作,支持政府 在香港資歷架構下推動和發展職業專才教育。例如:評審局推出資歷 名冊流動版,針對包含職場學習和評核元素的課程制訂相關指引,配 合持續進修基金計劃而執行相關優化措施。 在輔助及支援營辦者持續提升質素、追求卓越的工作方面,評審局於 2020年10月舉辦座談會,題為「以質素保證、質素提升及追求卓越 迎接挑戰 — 從應變到常規化」,就網上教學的實踐,透過提供平台、 鼓勵各方分享良好作業模式和所汲取經驗。 在區域及國際連繫工作方面,就廣東省的質素保證體系建設,評審局 繼續支持資歷架構秘書處與有關當局保持密切溝通。此外,評審局亦 繼續支持澳門特別行政區政府實施高等教育素質評鑑制度,向澳門高 等教育院校提供課程審視顧問服務。與此同時,在粵港澳大灣區的國 家策略下,本地營辦者擬在大灣區合作營辦聯頒資歷的課程,並殷切 期望評審局替此等課程進行評審,有見及此,評審局與持份者已開展 積極商討和提供輔助服務。 評審局於2020年9月舉辦國際會議,題為「從質素保證、質素提升到 追求卓越」,廣邀傑出講者、各專業和行業專家等主講和分享經驗。 此次線上國際會議,吸引大約15個地區的質素保證機構、政府、監 管當局、學術和職業專業界別的代表參與。 28 Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications 香港學術及職業資歷評審局