

Good Practices

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Quality assurance is an important process for maintaining the quality of learning programmes. Internal quality assurance systems are critical to ensure that the standards and quality of the programmes delivered are maintained and enhanced. Good practices are measures considered to be effective in achieving the pre-defined objectives. However, there is no one set of rules that fits all institutions and each institution may have its own guidelines on quality assurance procedures which are fit for their vision, culture, purpose and facilities.


QAOK is a collection of good practices which have been gathered from local and non-local higher education institutions. QAOK facilitates the sharing of these good practices in quality assurance amongst higher education institutions and key stakeholders including staff, students and quality assurance agencies. The exchange of successful ways of working will assist to underpin the development of a quality assurance culture within the higher education sector, that leads to high-quality educational provision. Good practices identified and collected in QAOK share three common characteristics namely impactsustainability and transferability:  


  • Impact - The case demonstrates success in achieving positive results in terms of improvement(s) and/or enhancement. The benefits brought about by the practice can be identified and deliver added value in the long run. 
  • Sustainability - The practice may be repeated or made routine and demonstrates success over time leading to lasting improvement(s) or enhancement(s).
  • Transferability - The practice can be applied to similar situations and serves to inspire new initiatives that bring about improvement(s) or enhancement(s).


In this knowledgebase, the good practices are presented in the format of a statement followed by a description of the “purpose” and “outcome”.  In general, the “purpose” reflects the impact of the good practices while the sustainability and transferability are embedded in the “outcome”.