

Vocational and Professional Accreditation

The HKCAAVQ provides accreditation and quality assurance services for vocational and professional education and training (VPET).  VPET operators come from different sectors including private education/training institutes, public organisations, non-government organisations and commercial corporations.  The HKCAAVQ undertakes vocational and professional learning programme accreditation exercises in accordance with the Four-stage Quality Assurance Process. 


The process for a combined exercise of Initial Evaluation (IE) and Learning Programme Accreditation (LPA) will normally be completed in 14-20 weeks (from receipt of the accreditation document to the issuance of the accreditation report).


To submit online applications for Initial Evaluation (IE), Learning Programme Accreditation (LPA) and Learning Programme Re-accreditation (Re-LPA), please go to the e-portal for details.



The HKCAAVQ offers various training workshops to operators who plan to seek accreditation services from the HKCAAVQ.  For more information, please refer to the webpages under the Training section.


For Accreditation of Vocational and Professional Learning Programmes
Manual for the Four-stage Quality Assurance Process under HKQF
Manual for the Four-stage Quality Assurance Process under HKQF (to be effective on 1 April 2025)
Evidence Guide for Vocational and Professional Programmes Accreditation
Evidence Guide For Vocational and Professional Programmes Accreditation (Online Learning Programmes)
Revised Generic Level Descriptors (2018 version)